- Line 6 "Housbondes at chirche dore I have had fyve" saying that she's had five husbands was heinous back then and even frowned upon today in a womans case.
- Lines 10-13 "That sith that Crist ne wente nevere but onis, To weddyng, in the Cane of Galilee, That by the same ensample taughte he me, That I ne sholde wedded be but ones" this basically says that one should follow in Christs footsteps and only marry once as he did in Galilee but she has gone against her own advice and married five times.
- Lines 212-214 "And sith they hadde me yeven al hir lond, What sholde I taken keep hem for to plese, But it were for my profit and myn ese" basically says that they have my hand in marriage and they have given me there land, why should i pleasure them without her profit and pleasure. If it's your husband you should have sex with him because he is your husband and you love him. Or maybe it means that she should receive pleasure from it too the meaning itself is not clear.
- Lines 222-223 "They were ful glad whan I spak to hem faire, For, God it woot, I chidde hem spitously" means that they were happy when i spoke to them pleasantly because she often scolded them. Why would you scold your husband or not speak to them pleasantly?
- Line 408-412 "Ther wolde I chide and do hem no plesaunce, I wolde no lenger in the bed abyde, If that I felte his arm over my syde, Til he had maad his raunson unto me, Thanne wolde I suffre hym do his nycetee" the Wife of Bath would deny pleasure to her husband until he gave into her every desire. This type of manipulation is terrible and uncalled for.
- Lines 231-242 "A wys wyf, if that she kan hir good, Shal beren hym on honde the cow is wood, And take witnesse of hir owene mayde, Of hir assent. But herkneth how I sayde:,`Sire olde kaynard, is this thyn array?, Why is my neighebores wyf so gay?, She is honoured overal ther she gooth;, I sitte at hoom; I have no thrifty clooth.,What dostow at my neighebores hous? ,Is she so fair? Artow so amorous?What rowne ye with oure mayde? Benedicite! Sire olde lecchour, lat thy japes be!. Basically says that the wife of her neighbor is happy because she has everything she needs and the Wife of Bath has to wear less than nice clothing and also calls the maid a lecher which means she might be sleeping with her husband.
- Lines 243-246 "And if I have a gossib or a freend, Withouten gilt, thou chidest as a feend, If that I walke or pleye unto his hous!Thou comest hoom as dronken as a mous." Saying that she is not allowed to have friends or she is scolded and when she does visit a friend her husband comes home drunk and abusive. She is lonely and has done nothing to deserve this.
- Lines 371-378 "Thou liknest eek wommenes love to helle, To bareyne lond, ther water may nat dwelle, Thou liknest it also to wilde fyr, The moore it brenneth, the moore it hath desir, To consume every thyng that brent wole be, Thou seyest, right as wormes shende a tree, Right so a wyf destroyeth hire housbonde, This knowe they that been to wyves bonde." This is a tangent of verbal abuse from her husband saying comparing a womans love to that of hell and her company to a barren wasteland and a woman destroys her husband as the worm destroys the tree. It is not the Wife of Bath's fault that she is manipulative since she has been hurt over and over again by someone who is supposed to love her.
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